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Plantar Fasciitis - Will it Ever End ?

First and foremost, don’t despair. With the right treatment plantar fasciitis will go away. But you may have to take new actions to have that happen.

Many people begin to feel as though it will never go away, because it can take a looooooong time. Too long right? I’m going to offer what I believe are the most important things to do to get rid of plantar fasciitis.

DISCLAIMER: Please don’t take this as medical advice for yourself. Use it as a guide in conjunction with your own practitioners’ advice.

#1 Persist and Get a Professional (Don't Go It Alone) Once you have it, it can take on a life of its own. Don’t get discouraged, and if you already are, its okay. The human body is complex. The plantar fascia is the most overused and abused soft tissue structure in the body. You’ve tried what you’ve tried. But there are many things you probably haven’t tried. Find a practitioner who knows this condition well and make an appointment. If you haven’t seen a podiatrist, book an appointment now.

#2 Orthotics Can be Very Effective Especially for Stubborn Cases

If you already have orthotics, and your fasciitis won't go away, go back to the prescribing physician and communicate that they’re not working. If the prescribing physician doesn't know what to do, see a specialist. Podiatrists can adjust orthotics in the office. Small tweaks can produce large results. Before you abandon what you already have, especially if they were made by a podiatrist, go back for a follow-up.

If you don't have orthotics, why not try it ? If you've gained 10 pounds, can't run anymore, and are tired of wearing running shoes, why not try something that has science behind it ?

#3 Explore Alternatives - Do Your Research

Consider an alternative practitioner. Ask around - who is known in your community to be reliable at getting results for people? It could be someone in nutrition, acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, or osteopathy, or even reflexology.

#4 Last Step at Night and First Step in the Morning Routine

Before you hit the hay, roll your foot on a foot roller or tennis ball or frozen orange juice can. Get into bed. Massage it and put an ice pack on for 20 minutes. Massage it again and rest for 8 hours. If you have to get up, DO NOT take even one step on that foot without shoes and orthotics. Before you step down first thing in the morning, roll the foot, massage it and step into your shoes and orthotics.

#5 Be a Patient Patient

Be gentle, and loving with yourself and your practitioners. Getting upset with your foot, yourself, your orthotics, your doctor, the world …. will only have you give up more easily. Remember, your practitioner may need to see you a few times to adjust the treatment plan. Follow-up and be a patient patient.

#6 Taping - If you haven’t tried this you must see a podiatrist or therapist.

There is a special taping called a Low Dye. It is designed to take the stress off your fascia. You can be taught to apply it yourself. Find someone who knows it and especially if your fasciitis is stubborn, learn to tape your foot and tape it every day. Return to #1. Persist. Return to #5. Be a patient patient.

Last but not least: Put together a team of people in your community that you can go to for your inevitable and various physical ailments, including any or all of: a General Practitioner, Natural Practitioner, orthopedic/physical therapist/body worker such as a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Massage Therapist, Acupuncturist and of course a Podiatrist. Nutrition and physical training/exercise can be very useful for some people.

FOOTNOTE: Plantar fasciitis heals itself eventually. Using some of these suggestions will likely speed things up. I have seen dramatic results with just a little effort and consistent follow-up. Don’t go it alone. And remember, anytime your body hurts, it’s asking you to go see a professional. Listen to it.

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