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She's a foot doctor, it's what she does.

Dr. Sue Turner is an expert in the field of foot biomechanics and orthotics.
She works her magic at Strut Orthotics in Vancouver, BC.

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And Connect your Roots

How the feet go, everything goes ... your gait ... your
posture ... your general health and vitality.


If you can’t walk and exercise, life is harder!

Being able to ambulate is essential and most foot problems are treatable. Small changes can make massive differences to the quality of life.


What’s missing for most people is seeing a professional
who has the knowledge, training and experience to
help!! The feet are complex. The body is complex.

Dr. Turner has created this blog for people to discover
and create the best possible body from the ground up.

Feet, don’t fail me now.

DISCLAIMER:  Content appearing on this Site is opinion only and no information appearing herein should be construed as medical advice, or used for diagnosis or treatment.

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How are your feet doing?

Dr. Turner wants to know! 

Dr. Turner will answer all your foot related questions in upcoming blog posts, so be sure to subscribe at the bottom of the page, and never miss a post!

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