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Did podiatrists invent pronation ?

I googled "foot pronation" to find 4.35 million hits. Everybody has something to say about pronation. It's like googling the common cold. How many websites do we need ? sigh .... Well, I think you might enjoy what I have to say about pronation on my website.

Pronation is a complex foot motion that is oversimplified and misunderstood by many. And in fact, foot biomechanics though scientifically studied and documented and theoretically useful, is often not useful in real life, because the biomechanics of the lower extremity is highly variable inside these theoretical constructs. In other words, what it says on paper is supposed to happen doesn't always happen and we can't always figure out why. This can be frustrating for those who love certainty.

Foot pronation is not rocket science, nor is it simple. Your pronation may be substantial, moderate or minimal. You may have rearfoot and/or forefoot pronation. Your symptoms may be caused by your pronation - whether it's minimal, moderate or substantial. Your symptoms may also be caused by being over your ideal weight, running too much or other high impact activity, your worn out shoes, or an injury not properly rehabilitated.

Footnote: Medicine is as much an art as a science. Developing the art of listening to your body well is what a good doctor does.

And no !! A podiatrist did not invent pronation, it was an Italian scientist as shown in the image above. Click on this article by podiatrist Kevin Kirby, which outlines the history in exquisite detail, going back as early as Aristotle (384 - 322BC).

Dr. Turner is an expert in assessing for pronation and determining whether or not it needs to be treated.

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